Building An HL7 Interface

Iguana Training Series. HL7’s version 2 messaging standard continues to play a major role in health care interoperability. Learn how to build HL7 interfaces in this course.


This course is part of the Iguana Training Series, a set of private courses that cover an array of interfacing concepts in Iguana. The exercises in this course presume you have completed the Working In Iguana course, which leads you through the process of building three channels that take in and send out HL7 messages.


HL7's version 2 messaging standard continues to play a major role in health care interoperability. In this course, we will learn how to build basic HL7 interfaces.

Some of the concepts we will cover include:

  • How do we parse incoming data and what is the role of .vmd files in parsing HL7 messages?
  • How do we perform mapping and transformation?
  • How do we filter messages?
  • How do we troubleshoot errors?
  • What are some design best practices to consider?
  • How do we tie in monitoring and alerting to interface logic?


Course Curriculum

What is our project? 00:01:00
Building our interface
Creating a blank project 00:02:00
Parsing incoming data 00:05:00
Creating blank HL7 messages 00:03:00
Mapping the message data 00:03:00
Adding custom values 00:04:00
Pushing data into the queue 00:02:00
Iguana message queue 00:01:00
Format our data
Repositioning the queue 00:03:00
Reviewing results 00:04:00
Abstracting MSH changes 00:03:00
String munching to impose consistency 00:10:00
Fixing date formats 00:10:00
Troubleshoot our interface
Rerun the channel to manage errors 00:05:00
Understanding the error 00:04:00
Understanding the demo.vmd 00:10:00
Filtering out unrecognized messages 00:05:00
Adjusting for different message grammars 00:05:00
Exercise: Repeating segments
Inserting NTE segments 00:05:00
Exercise: Z segments
Dealing with Z segments 00:03:00
Importing a module to parse Z segments 00:10:00
Building a module to copy Z segments 00:10:00
Exercise: Adding an alert
Raising a VIP alert 00:01:00
Create a user login with email 00:03:00
Configuring an email server 00:05:00
Create the notification rule 00:05:00
Create trigger in script for our alert 00:10:00
Building HL7 interfaces Unlimited